Tips for traveling to Peru

Money and Payments

Changing money on the street is risky and in banks can be expensive, but you will find change in exchange houses throughout urban centers where you can change money. Try to get small bills and coins as possible, you will know that for many goods and services providers prefer not to have to change money.

Height Sickness

In higher altitude trips, such as Cusco, Puno and La Paz, you may feel short of breath due to the sudden change in altitude. The favorite remedy is coca tea and a rest day for the first time, with a lot of effort and a little liquid. In more extreme cases, take pills for height sickness (soroche), as well as oxygen mini-tanks.


Taxi fares for airports and bus terminals, those waiting inside the parking area may cost more than those waiting outside, but you know for sure that they are registered. Taking unregistered taxis can be very dangerous in both Peru and Bolivia. Taxis do not charge per meter, so negotiate the price before entering the taxi.

Food Safety

It’s easy to get food from street vendors, if you’re not careful. Actually raw products like fruits and vegetables, which are the most likely to affect your health. Remember that tap water must be purified by boiling or tablets to be safe to drink.

Medicines to Carry

Travelers who plan to embark on tours in the Amazon region should prepare themselves by receiving their yellow fever and malaria vaccine and bringing documentation with you. Those in charge of planning treks in the Andes can do well with a pre-trip check-up.


The main problem in Peru and Bolivia is not violence, but small thefts. Risk goods are purses and wallets, as well as small electronic devices, cameras, cell phones, and MP3s. Distribute money, credit cards and documents in different pockets, keep an eye on the bags, and as an extra precaution, let your friends and family know your itinerary and your whereabouts.


It has a great variety of climates, from the coastal desert of snowy Andean summits to the tropical jungle. Do not forget your sunscreen and sunglasses, layers of light and heat to adapt to changes in temperature, and for the season from November to March rains your raincoat or poncho.